Few things are better than cookbook shopping after school on a Friday afternoon. My school is like, a two second bike ride away from my favorite bookstore, and with convenience like that, why not go slow riding on your off period?
But, this post is not meant to rub my Fridays in your mug, it's for showing you these:

I know what you're thinking, "What a freak!" But this cookbook is special. It is the third edition of the 1931 book, but reprinted and re-edited for the cook on WWII rations in 1943. Because of this, the book cost $32.50. You see why I was ready to bash some faces?
The second book is the first edition of the 1964 Seventeen ( yeah, like the magazine) cookbook. Super groovy right!? The book is made for the young hostess, the culinary 'tard, and the purist, all in one teen oriented mod package!
Even better than these books, is the price they came for. At Coas, you can earn store credit by bringing in books, and I just so happened to have enough cred to get both book for a cool $28.00.
How's that for rations!
Two fab books and a weekend well spent? $28.00
Breaking faces for the cookbook of all cookbooks? Priceless.
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